Hlophe JSC Appointment: Constitutional Challenge Looms
The discredited judge-turned-legislator, John Hlophe JSC Appointment, as the leader of the MK Party within the parliamentary arena, could ascend to the presidency, thereby wielding unchecked influence over judicial appointments.
“He could pers...
Hlophe JSC Appointment: Constitutional Challenge Looms
#Politics#ConstitutionalLaw #CorruptionWatch #DaliMpofu #DemocraticAlliance #FreedomUnderLaw #Impeachment #JohnHlophe #JudicialServiceCommission #JudiciaryIndependence #SouthAfricanPolitics
Constitutional Law
Corruption Watch
Dali Mpofu
Democratic Alliance
Freedom Under Law
John Hlophe
Judicial Service Commission
Judiciary Independence
South African Politics