Yangenza Ingane YakwaMakhelwane

Yangenza Ingane YakwaMakhelwane

Uma kuthiwa kukhona inhlanhla yile engehlele izolo. Ngihleli nje ngedwa endlini ngfunda izindaba eziqhanyelisayo, kumnyama angithi ugesi bewungekho eClermont, ngikhanyise ikhandlela, ngizwe umuntu eKnock ngithi angene, ewu kungene leSlender sakwamakhelwane sibuze ngihleli ngenzani, ngimtshele bengizidlalela igame, Yoo!! kanti umuntu wakhona uzovele eze ngqo athi uzobuka naye.

Kulowomzuzu ngiqhanyele phela made ngizishayela indlwabu encane nje, esh... mayefika eduze ahlwithe ucingo abone, haaaawwwwwuuuu kubabaza yena, Yoo!! ugangile mfo Kobe ke nawe ufana nalaba, kushoyena, ngivele ngithi 'eNgani NgiyaBhoreka Nje, hawu engani uyazifihla wena endlini' kusho yena, ngivele ngisukume yohhhh kuwe ithawula angithi ngihleli nje ngizimboze ngalo angigqokile, umthondo umile mpo! Ibabaze ingane 'hawu uphethe imbongolo engaka, kwenzenjani ivuswe yini kanje?' kubuza yona, ngiyiphendule kalula nje, 'nguwe lo ongenza kanje njalo mangikbona' ivele ihleke kancane, bese ngisondela kuyo umthondo uqonde phezulu wagobela kwa left ngyezwa nje naming ukuthi uma eke wanqaba nengquza lomuntu komele ngizichamise.

Mangsondela kuye ahlehle, amehlo akhe athe njo emthondweni, ngimbambe ngengalo ngithi kuye akangiphe just for now kuphela. Ngivele ngimhlome ulimi emlonyeni alwamukele ngenze sho nje ukuthi ngyamsebenza ukuze aqhanyele strong, syaqabulana manje nalomuntu sisondela ekhabetheni lezitsha, ngimncikise kulo ngimkhothe intamo avele aqale akhale kancene ubumnandi balento ayizwayo, ngiqhubeke njalo ngimqaqe iShirt, yohhhhh amabele awekho kubra azimele mpo, phela ave ngwathanda anje, ngiwancela ngiyambuka yena lapho usevale amehlo, ngivele ngimdonsele embhedeni alale abheke phezulu, ngiqhubeke namabele isandla simphulula amathanga, mangisenyusa ngethanga isandla.

Ngethuke uma ngingalifici iphenti sivele sithinte ingquza eshefiwe kahle ngesnono, yohhh mangisenyusa ngizwa isimanzi te ingquza, ngyeke amabele manje ngishone kuyo ngqo ingquza ngolimi angsenandaba neswayi leli, avengiyibuka, muntu wakhona ucela ukubona naye lembongolo yami ayi sishaye deposition ebizwa 69, ayi yawuncela ingane umthondo yerrrrrr, lapho sengbuye ngilokhu ngikhala kancane nje imunca namasende kamnandi, ngbuye ulimi ukuthi luyangthinta nakwesophuthu ngethuke, ivele ithi Relax Dear Akunangozi, yoh ngiyaqala ukithintwa iChocolate Box ngolimi pho! Iqhubeke iwuncele umthondo ngyeza kuphuma neJuice kancane. Ngiphenduke sbhebhane manje ivele ithi ifuna kuba on top, igibele ke hhayi leyangane iyawazi lomsebenzi bathakathi, iyayishaya lento ngiyay'ncoma.

Izolo nglale ngikhathele kodwa futhi ngijabule since kade ngangiyihalela lengane uma ngiyibuka. Sbhebhane maybe hour cha yiyo engaphezulu mostly, kuthe mangiyzwa ichama okwesbili ngyabona nami kuyeza ngayphendula ngaba phezulu, ngathatha imilenze ngaybeka emahlombe kimi yahlala obala yonke ingquza, zasha akphelanga mzuzu emingaki ngavele ngachama.

Masqeda yavele yanghleka yathi 'cha ngeke sigcine namuhla yoh sisazoqhubeka nje unless awuthokozanga because mina am satisfied' ngavuma nami ukuthi asingaqale siyeke ake sidlane nje but sibafihlele laba engihlala kubo kulomuzi, yathi akunalutho. Phela ike yaxoxa kokonakala ngoba angithi ingane yakulomuzi endala sengake ngayidla nayo.

Warten Weg

Warten Weg is a highly skilled and talented graphic designer based in South Africa, who has made a name for himself in the industry as a successful freelancer. With a wealth of experience in the field of graphic design, Warten has established himself as a go-to designer for clients looking for innovative and visually stunning design solutions. Warten's passion for design shines through in every project he takes on, whether it be designing a logo, creating a website, or designing marketing collateral. He is committed to delivering designs that not only look great but also convey a clear message and connect with the target audience. Over the years, Warten has worked with clients from all over the world, developing a diverse portfolio of work that showcases his versatility as a designer. His ability to adapt to different industries and design styles has helped him establish long-lasting relationships with clients, who often return to him for repeat work. With his creative flair and exceptional design skills, Warten is sure to continue making waves in the world of graphic design for years to come

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