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Showing posts from November, 2020

Design is intelligence made visible.

In a world cluttered with noise, simplicity becomes the beacon of sophistication. 🌟 Embrace the elegance of minimalism as you strip away the excess and focus on what truly matters. Let your designs speak volumes with their refined simplicity, leaving a lasting impression on all who behold them. #SimplicityIsKey #MinimalistDesign #ElegantSimplicity

Unexpected LP by BlaQ junkies (qgom version)

Gqom is an original South African type of dance music. It is believed that Gqom originated in Durban and has gained popularity in Africa and the world.

Isphithiphithi The Chaos (Scene 1 | Zulu Short Film 🎬)

INT. SCENE 1. DAY. KWANYAMBOSE. CAST: 3 WIFES AND NYAMBOSE Nyambose uphuma eGoli kwi business meeting, Amakhosikazi anombango

Isphithiphithi The Chaos (Scene 2 | Zulu Short Film 🎬)


How To Fixed - In Order To Select An Item From Your Online Storage

If you saw the above message in your browser, that means it won't upload anything to Google; such as Blogger, YouTube, Google Drive, etc. This is not a major problem, but this article could prevent you from getting tense. If you are also facing this problem, should you know what the problem is?

Isphithiphithi The Chaos (Scene 3 | Zulu Short Film 🎬)

EXT. SCENE 3. EVENING. KWANYAMBOSE. CAST: 4 WIFES, NYAMBOSE AND THOBEKILE Bayaxoxa emva kwesidlo sakusihlwa kuhle bajabulile kodwa uNyambose uyijika esithubeni kungazelele muntu

How to Brew Beer For COVID19 Lockdown | Easy Steps for Making Beer at Home

Have you ever wanted to make beer at home? Homebrewing for the first time? Brewing beer at home is easy. If you can make a cupcake or sgwaqane from start to finish without help, you can make beer.

Ponzi scheme Crowd1 Goes Down With Up To R25.6 Billions of Clients Funds

Crowd1 Ponzi Scheme has collapsed following an expose by the BBC Africa Eye but not without taking away investors fortunes. The BBC team went undercover for six months trying to unravel Crowd1 offering by engaging the top management and some of the clients.